That dreaded moment when you realize some of your RAM has gone bad…

So yeah spent most of my day off troubleshooting my random restarts and BSOD’s and turns out some of my RAM went bad.


So yeah spent most of my day off troubleshooting my random restarts and BSOD’s and turns out some of my RAM went bad. This will be the last time I purchase g.skill gear for my rig. The good RAM still in the case is Corsair and I have by and large been very happy with their products, service and reliability.

Got my Oculus Rift today. Epicness ensued.

So this happened today. Living in the future ROCKS.




First impressions FPS VS Sitting Position:

Any game where you are sitting down feels super natural and does not cause too much disorientation for the Rift user.

So far in the two hours I had to setup and play with the device I managed to get two things running which is Lunar Flight (super comfortable) and the Tuscany demo which comes with the SDK. After about 5 minutes in the Tuscany demo I felt the so-called “VR Sickness” quite a bit more then when I played Lunar Flight for a good thirty minutes without much of a negative effect.

One of the chief things I am having trouble with seems to be primary display vs secondary with games loading in the wrong display but detecting a Rift. More forums perusing is in order. So far though I can now have a real feel for where this technology is going and it is AWESOME. Now I just need a solid day off and an umlimited supply of hours with which to tinker 🙂