This was pretty well done it took me a few seconds to realize it was CGI but still…well done.
Author: scottadmin
Current Song Lists on Spotify
If you don’t use Spotify ignore this. I’m personally a fan of the service and now that the Eagles and Led Zepplin etc are on the service really the only thing missing the The Beatles but I have faith they will soon fall in line….muhahaha 🙂
Scotty’s Rock of Lists
Scotty’s Electric Boogaloo
Scotty’s Modern Mayhem
Scotty’s Smashy Bros
After drinking all those beards, I bet your sideburns
Live Action Kiki’s Looks Terrible
Maybe it’s just me but this Japanese movie trailer just looks awful. According to news outlets this movie has the blessing of Miyazaki-san but the original animated movie has such a special place in my heart that its hard to stomach this as something serious. I would love to see a faithful live action adaptation of his movies but they have to be done right. It could just be my American sensibilities when it comes to this kind of movie and the source material. Maybe to the Japanese this looks super appealing. Maybe.
Bilbo Baggins: The Greatest Hobbit of Them All
Enjoyed this little ditty.
Real Life Flying TARDIS=RAD
Considering the Doctor Who kick I’ve been on lately I thought this video was all WIN.
Video Preview of SteamOS
Keeping an eye on this one. Sometime in the next year or so I plan on putting together a DIY Steam box.
For your viewing pleasure :)
Oculus topic regarding Everquest Next implementation
Thought this was an interesting old thread (from Aug) and decided to respond to it since there were not a lot of constructive responses to the question.
LINKÂ <–Click Here for twitter page
Yeah this freaking happened on spotify today!
Hands down one of the bands I wish for the most to be on spotify finally got on the service! EFFIN A!
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