Got my Oculus Rift today. Epicness ensued.

So this happened today. Living in the future ROCKS.




First impressions FPS VS Sitting Position:

Any game where you are sitting down feels super natural and does not cause too much disorientation for the Rift user.

So far in the two hours I had to setup and play with the device I managed to get two things running which is Lunar Flight (super comfortable) and the Tuscany demo which comes with the SDK. After about 5 minutes in the Tuscany demo I felt the so-called “VR Sickness” quite a bit more then when I played Lunar Flight for a good thirty minutes without much of a negative effect.

One of the chief things I am having trouble with seems to be primary display vs secondary with games loading in the wrong display but detecting a Rift. More forums perusing is in order. So far though I can now have a real feel for where this technology is going and it is AWESOME. Now I just need a solid day off and an umlimited supply of hours with which to tinker đŸ™‚